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Day of Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Your arrival time will be approximately 30 minutes to an hour before your scheduled surgery to allow for registration, preparation, anesthesia, etc. Due to limited space in our waiting room, please restrict the number of family members with you on the day of surgery. Your surgery may be delayed or even canceled due to emergencies.

Medications: Bring a current list of your medications with you on the day of surgery. Bring any medications you may need to take after your surgery (insulin, inhaler, etc). Most blood pressure, heart, breathing, seizure, narcotic pain, and anti-reflux medications should be taken with a small sip of water on the morning of surgery. DO NOT TAKE diuretics (water pills) or antacids (Maalox, Mylanta, Tums). 

Pre-operative Hygiene: On the morning of surgery, ensure that your fingernails are clean and trimmed and fingernail polish and false nails have been removed. Wash with pre-surgical scrub as instructed.  Ensure that all jewelry and body piercings have been removed.

Attire: You will need to undress and wear a gown during surgery. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. Short-sleeved shirts are recommended. 

Driving: If you have monitored anesthesia care, a responsible adult must drive you home. You will not be permitted to leave alone. If your surgery is being performed under local anesthesia, you may drive yourself to and from the surgery center.

If you have any questions regarding the forms, please contact Dr. Izadi’s office at (402) 390-4111.

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