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Work Comp Evaluation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When a job-related injury occurs, the injured worker is asked to find a specialist to evaluate and treat their condition. The employer’s doctor or a community physician may evaluate patients receiving workers’ compensation benefits. Choosing an orthopedic specialist with experience and integrity is essential when providing worker’s compensation treatment. 

Early diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries are the keys to returning injured workers to their job as soon as possible. Most worker’s compensation claims are orthopedic and require comprehensive, personalized treatment plans. As an experienced hand and upper extremity specialist, I understand the unique challenges of industrial injuries and injured workers’ needs. I believe in working closely with my patients to develop appropriate work restrictions. 

Workers’ compensation services at my office include and are not limited to the following: 

  •  Fast track consults within 48 hours
  •  Second surgical opinions
  •  Impairment ratings
  •  Timely and concisely written reports

If you would like me to evaluate and treat your potential carpal tunnel syndrome as part of your workers’ compensation claim, please call our worker’s compensation liaison at (402) 361-5234.

If you have any other questions, please get in touch with Dr. Izadi’s office at (402) 390-4111.

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